How important is your indentity on Social Media

Traditionally, a company’s reputation was best established and passed along by word of mouth. Discussions among friends or at church, sporting events or civic groups often provided the information necessary for potential clients to choose a product provider. Today, most people and consumers of pruducts get information about companies and products online.
Some studies have shown that nearly 80% of today’s consumers go online first when evaluating a company. Information (whether accurate or not) is consumed and perpetuated at a light-speed pace and it is often difficult to keep up
The 'Voice' feature now allows admins to easily toggle between using their brand page as their brand page, or as their personal Facebook profile.
Why This Is Important for Marketers
Often, your Facebook Page admins include people from your company who aren't in charge of actually "managing" the page, but have a reason to be an admin (they need to update a certain tab, post a certain offer daily, need to access Insights, etc.). These people aren't necessarily the "experts" when it comes to Facebook marketing, and are unaware of the smaller intricacies of the page -- such as the fact that every time they like or comment on your page, they're speaking as your brand and not themselves. There's been times at Worldwide Flyer, for example, where admins have seen something from Worldwide Flyer in their news feed and liked it, not realizing they liked the post as Worldwide Flyer. While this is by no means detrimental, little things like this can make it a little scary to give people at your company administrative rights. But now, you can tell those admins to ensure they select their personal profile as their "voice" once they become an admin.
Why Marketers Also Need to Be Extremely Careful
While it's beneficial to speak to your audience as yourself, you need to be sure you're very aware of what voice you're set on when engaging with your audience. This new update has the potential for the classic Twitter mistake where someone sends a personal tweet through the company handle. For example, you could accidentally get defensive about a certain comment a user left, not realizing until later that you said it as your company, not you. Talk about some embarrassing marketing mistakes.
While this also offers the benefit of being able to respond to a user's comment as (hopefully) a fan of the brand you work for, you simply need to make sure you're aware of who you are speaking as. Although no matter who you're speaking as, you should always be polite, kind, and respectful. At the end of the day, you still represent your brand!
“But seriously guys, be careful. I already accidentally posted to Worldwide Flyer as "me" instead of as Worldwide Flyer in the midst of toggling back and forth to write this post!”
Hire a professional company
You can always hire someone if you don't have time or don't like to toggle on the computer all day with social media marketing. Check us out for instance and we will develop a presence for you and your company online.